Thoughts flying through my. A new country, new city, new culture, new accent, new food, few friends. This is my fifth day in Buenos Aires, I feel like I've been here for months. Its winter here, which means cold air, no leaves, some sun, some clouds. I am here with an organization called Word Made Flesh, and I will be working with them for 4 months. We are a community of 4 servant team members, five full time staff members and five little kiddos between the two families. My team is phenomenal and I am already learning so much from them and with them. I live with a lovely argentine family- Pablo, Alejandra, their children Joan & Ana Belén, and the pup Bogie. They have been incredibly hospitable.
I feel so alive here. So in tune with all of my senses. Hearing the loud sounds of buses, the smooth rhythms of the tango, and the melodic flow of Spanish that rolls of the Argentine tongue. They are a different breed. Quick to accept, to open their home, lovers of wine and a hot argument. They are passionate. It feels like a breath of fresh air to converse in Spanish, think in Spanish.
My time here is not about tourism, nor new exciting places. My time here is about living life among the poor. Simplicity. Asking tough questions about poverty, and seeking in community a response.
Please join me on this little journey of mine. New thoughts will come, and some will be shared on this blog.
Salud! To Buenos Aires.