One of my favorite Thanksgivings ever. The entire day was spent enjoying community here in balmy Buenos Aires. Starting off with an epic football game, that led into cooking, napping, a fine feast, and much to be thankful for. I am so blessed to be a part of this community.
The most afraid of getting tackled in Thanksgiving football game: tina, tina from Yale, gets bulldozered by Jer the bear, and eats some major dirt clod. Funny thing is, Jer was on Tina's team.
*No Tinas were actually re-wounded in the reenactment of this scene.
The final play of the game (reinacted for photo). My team was down, 2 touchdowns to 3. Megan wanted to end the game doubling our score. But, out of nowhere, came Felix with the interception running up field for the touchdown. The game ends, 3 to 3. A happily ever after sort of Thanksgiving.